Workshop held on leveraging carbon finance for solar cooking device


New Delhi, Aug 26 Carbon financing and various support schemes by the government can be leveraged for making solar cooking solutions affordable, experts participating in a workshop organised by Indian Oil have said.
State-owned IndianOil on Saturday said that path forward and strategies were also deliberated for scaling up the solar cooking technology during the workshop on ‘Carbon Finance for Affordable Solar Cooking’.
IndianOil has designed and developed an indigenous indoor solar cooking system called SuryaNutan.
Dr Umish Srivastava, Executive Director, R&D Centre, IndianOil mentioned that the system is based on clean energy cooking technologies.
He further added that this is a revolutionary indoor solar cooking solution that works on both solar and auxiliary energy sources simultaneously, which makes it a reliable cooking solution for India.
Speaking on the occasion, Sanjay Kumar, Climate Parliament said that Surya Nutan is a unique device having usability all-round the year.
Surya Nutan was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at India energy week 2023 held in Bengaluru. It is expected that the solar cooking system could reach as many as 3 crore households in coming years.
The workshop was organised with the support of Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) andFinovista.
“The event fostered an atmosphere of collaboration, learning, and cross-sectoral exchange of ideas. It addressed the urgent need to make clean cooking solutions accessible and affordable fora larger population, in alignment with India’s co


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