In Spain, more than 1,500 trains have been canceled because of planned strikes.


Madrid, Nov 23 Spain’s national railway network, Renfe, has canceled 1,548 medium and long-distance trains because the workers are planning to stop working on specific days. The strikes are being organized by local trade unions who are demanding better guarantees for workers’ rights. These strikes are scheduled to take place on November 24, 30, and December 1, 4, and 5, and it’s anticipated that around 15,000 workers will participate.

Renfe is offering affected passengers the option to exchange their tickets for other trains that are still running, whenever possible. Passengers can also cancel or change their tickets to a different date without any extra charge.

The new Spanish Transport Minister, Oscar Puente, who recently took office, plans to resume discussions with the unions to try and find a solution to the disagreement. Previous meetings with the former minister’s team didn’t happen, as reported by El Pais newspaper.


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