Fuel tank on fire in Sevastopol following suspected dronehit: Governor


Simferopol, Apr 29 (UNI) A fuel tank is on fire in the area of the Kazachya (‘Cossack’)bay in Sevastopol, likely due to an unmannedaerial vehicle (UAV) hit, Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said.
“A fuel tank is on fire near ManganariBrothers Street in Kazachya Bay. According to preliminary information, the fire was caused by a UAV hit … The fire area is about1,000 square meters [10,764 square feet],” Razvozhayev said on Telegram on Saturday morning.
In a later post, the governor said that nobody was injured in the incident and that civilian infrastructure was not affected.
According to Razvozhayev, the fire has not been contained yet, and there are currently 60firefighters working on the site. A fire train is expected to aid in extinguishing the blaze.


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