Mine blast kills child, injures another in southernAfghanistan


Kandahar, Afghanistan, Apr 15 (UNI) One child was killed and another injured as a mine leftover from the past wars went off in Afghanistan’s southern Kandahar province, provincial government spokesman Hajji Zaid said Saturday.
The incident took place in Mianshin district Friday evening when some children who were playing on a ground found a metallic object and began playing with it. The device exploded, killing one on the spot and badly injuring another, the official said.
Similar incident claimed the life of a child and injured another in Kot district of the eastern Nangarhar province on Thursday.
Another blast of an explosive device killed two children in the central Wardak province in early April.
Afghanistan is reportedly one of the most mine-contaminated countries in the world with dozens of people mostly children being killed and maimed every month by the blast of unexploded devices left over from the past four decades of wars.


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